Thursday, February 4, 2010


Ok here it is, my newest obsession. Lately I seem to be stuck on The Academy Is... and I've been listening to this song almost non stop for two days straight. And the video puts me in a really cheery mood. I mean just look at the lead singer's face. It seems to be genetically constructed to smile and therefore make other people smile. And when he sings it's like he's laughing and he basically looks like an overgrown kid. Or maybe it's just me. Oh and this is probably me imagining things, but when he smiles, he looks like a younger version of Robert Sean Leonard (Dr. James Wilson in House MD). Yes, yes, I'm still as obsessed as always with House MD (that probably will never change). And yes, I do realize that right now I sound like some crazed high school fangirl. Do I look like I care? Nope. Anyway it'll probably go away in maximum one week. Until then, here is About A Girl by The Academy Is... (I never know what punctuation to put after their name because a period after suspension marks just blends in and doesn't fulfill any purpose and anything else just looks weird...blah)


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