Saturday, January 30, 2010


Not necessarily the most interesting or captivating ideas and it's a bit too optimistic and esoteric for a cynic like me (not to mention that she sounds like an actor giving a monologue and her voice really starts getting on my nerves at one point), but I love the way she describes reality and how our brain functions to interpret it. It kind of pulls you out of your conscious mind for a while and gives you a glimpse of how the world could be seen differently. We already know that we are limited by our senses (we can only see or hear a small portion of the stimuli available in the universe), but this video also makes you aware for those 18 minutes of how your brain limits your view of reality and just how trapped you are by those neurons and those synapses. Then again, I don't know if always seeing the world as Jill Bolte Taylor describes it in this video is better than the way we usually see it. Probably not, since you can't read nor speak. But it's a good way of expanding your understanding of reality, not to live like this, but to at least experience it once in your life. I guess the general purpose of this video (as far as I see it) is to show us that the realm of possibilities is not as narrow as we might think and that the mysterious and bizarre world we see in particle physics IS real and it's all around us. And this has to be the longest introduction for a video ever, so I'll just shut up now.

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