Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

I'm not really into classical music, but Pachelbel's Canon in D Major is one of the few pieces that I actually like (if only Cris knew, he'd snob me for the rest of my life hahaha).

It's funny how the more of a cynic you are, the more attracted you feel by purity. Maybe it's because cynicism is just an expression of one's disillusionment with a world that does not conform to their ideals. So for that reason, cynics aspire to purity knowing that they will never attain it.

Whatever may be the case, this song is my musical ideal of purity. I really hate the video but that's because you can't represent purity in images (especially not crappy youtube images). So do me a favor and ignore it. Just close your eyes and focus only on the song.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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