Friday, December 4, 2009

More Propaganda

Yes I'm procrastinating from my work again and have therefore found the time to check out a couple more cartoons.

These ones take the bashing a step further to become insulting, which in my opinion makes them even more hilarious (maybe it's because I'm not Japanese nor am I Hitler). In any case, what I find most amusing is the feeling of déjà-vu since a couple of the gags presented here have been frequently reused in later Looney Tunes cartoons which gave me a chance to discover them as a kid...ah, what wonderful memories!

So here are the newest additions to my politically charged collection of cartoons:

What I find even funnier is the sinking of Tokyo in the second cartoon. Now am I the only one who immediately thought about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? And the best part is that this cartoon aired 3 years before the atomic bombs were dropped! Talk about clairvoyance! (Of course, it could also be just a coincidence, which most probably is the case, but I like to read too much into things)

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