Thursday, December 24, 2009


It's Christmas Eve (almost Christmas actually) and for once I'll stop fooling around. I feel like these last two weeks I've surrounded myself with these walls that hide the real me from everyone. I'm joking and I make fun of everything. But I feel like I've somehow lost track of the initial purpose of this blog and maybe, just maybe, I lost track of the real me. I don't know who that is anymore actually. I could make that my New Year's resolution maybe hahaha!

Whatever may be the case, this song is a gift for the hopeless romantic inside me (I try my hardest to ignore that part of me, but whether I like it or not, it's still there and it won't seem to disappear). It reminds me of one winter when I was a kid and I was in the car with my parents, driving to my grandparents' place. We were on this deserted country road and it was snowing so hard that the snowflakes seemed to form a tunnel that surrounded the car. And for one small, magical instant, I felt safe and completely and utterly happy.

Number 1 from Chris Rea:

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