Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Yet another challenge

During the course of my so-far-brief existence I have signed up to god knows how many newsletters and webzines that I barely read most of the time (don't we all!). But somehow I decided to read this one and the writer was proposing a challenge for the month of November. Write one or two articles every week. It's all part of this program that forces you to focus on the process instead of on the end result and supposedly it works so much better because it makes you less stressed. Sure why not. I could use a little more structure in my life and a little less stress. Plus I heard that if you manage to do something regularly for 30 days then it becomes a habit. I know I have taken up many challenges in the past. Some I've kept, some not, but whatever the case, the point is to keep trying (dooooonnn't stooooppp! beeelliiiiiiviiinnnggg!!).

So here it is. Two articles per week for the next month. Here goes nothing!

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