Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Managing expectations

First article in the series of me-trying-to-build-some-discipline. So this morning I was eating an avocado (yeah I know it starts great already, but bare with me here), and as I was feeling the deliciously creamy texture on my tongue, I remembered that there was a time when I couldn't stand it. First time I tried it, it was hate at first sight. And I think that the main reason for that is the fact that I wasn't expecting it. And expectations play a large role in our appreciation of food, people and just life in general. Kind of like getting a flu shot. It's not too bad when you know it's coming. So here's to trying to predict life so you can brace yourself for it! Pfff who am I kidding? We'll just have to learn to deal with unexpected flu shots....

In the spirit of expectations not properly managed, here's my last message: happy birthday asshole!

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