Saturday, November 2, 2013

How to survive studies, friends and life in general

More than ever, I have been feeling pressure to be on top of my game both academically and socially. I always knew McGill was competitive, but never thought it would affect me this much. And the net effect of this has been a lot of ups and downs, many sleepless nights and a constant feeling of anxiety. BUT since it is not like me to wallow in self-pity (ok maybe it is, but I'm trying to turn in a new leaf here), I decided to come up with a guide to better help me cope with my new daily existence.

1) Never ever ever think it is a good/feasible idea to plan to study after Blues Pub or any other social activity involving drinking no matter how small the quantity of beer ingested. The nerds of the planet were right when they said "Don't drink and derive" (or program for that matter unless you want to end up with a code that is 1 km long and jam-packed with bugs and hilarious comments)

2) As a matter of fact, unless you are in the company of motivating peers (or impending deadlines), don't plan to study on a Friday period.

3) Stay away from Facebook during exam period. While Spotted might help you feel a little less alone in your strife, the endless pictures/comments about parties that your friends living in residence are attending, will more than overcome the previous effect and leave you hating your lonely, miserable life.

4) Whenever you decide you deserve a weekend off, do yourself and the rest of the world a favor and just don't do it.

5) Baby steps grasshopper. Cause even if you feel like you could totally pull off 3 clubs, 5 classes and tutoring within your first semester in the program all the while still having a social life and seeing old friends, just pace yourself. Like Frosh, it is not a race, but a marathon and drinking a bottle of gin in one hour will only leave you puking all over the place.

Steps 6) to ∞ still remain to be determined... TBC!

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