Saturday, December 3, 2011

All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds

Some might consider it sad to live by what Voltaire described (or more like ridiculed) as being a fallacy. But when your life acquires a faster pace than Candide, you have no choice but to embrace optimism, not because this is the best of all possible worlds, but simply because you do not have the time to dwell on losses. What's more, when one door closes, another opens and every option presents advantages and disadvantages that are not always comparable. So why bother? I often find myself unconsciously repeating this mantra to myself. All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds. Because life is made up of too many losses to dwell on them (unless your losses include a butt cheek, almost getting burned alive and being sold into slavery... can't really see the bright side of that).

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