Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Looking for infinity

There are moments when everything seems to slow down to a stop. When this dizzying waltz that is life transforms itself into a slow dance that any idiot can do. Suddenly life seems easy and manageable. Because it's just me and the clear night sky and the few stars that manage to penetrate the blinding city lights. There still exists an ounce of purity in this rotten, corrupted world. And it's beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. It's the rich and bittersweet aftertaste of dark chocolate as you experience it for the first time. It's a voice that whispers into my ear "You're going to be alright little girl".

The world is a strange place to be. Ironically, the older I grow, the less I understand it. But that's alright. All I need are these moments, these small intervals of infinity when my lonesome figure comes back home. Hello there stranger.


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