Friday, May 24, 2013

One thing you can never leave behind

Home is a very vague concept. What is home? Home is where the heart is. Home is not a city nor a country nor a place nor even a person. Home is a feeling. You can feel home at the touch of a cashmere shirt. A smell can make you feel like home. The sight of a brick wall that you encounter for the first time can bring you home. Home is in our heads, in our hearts, in our aspirations, in our dreams, in our desires. Whatever we do, we always tend to converge towards places that we call home. We are always looking for a home. What we don't realize is that home is always with us. So Michael Buble can stop complaining that he wants to go home and just close his eyes and go take a walk.

And now someone can create a drinking game with the number of times I said home in the last paragraph haha!

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