Sunday, November 20, 2011

Un organ mic si prost

Si totusi mi-e frica. Am toata viata inaintea mea, dar ma gandesc la toti cei pe care i-am pierdut. Oameni la care tin mult. Oameni la care tin cu disperare. Oameni la care ma gandesc dupa ani fara vesti si fara contact. Si mi se strange inima la gandul ca poate pentru ei eu nu mai exist. Mi-e frica si mi-e dor. Dar taci inima mica. Organ nesuferit si prost. Visele sunt mai presus de sentimente. Ce rost sa traiesc in trecut? Ei nu au nevoie de mine. Si nici eu nu am nevoie de ei. Dar atunci de ce mi se strange inima cand ma gandesc la ei? Taci organ mic si prost.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Un cumulo nimbus plange fulgi de zapada cand e prea frig

In fiecare an, perioada asta imi evoca nostalgie si speranta.

Nostalgia inocentei pierdute si a anilor care m-au lasat ca amantii nepasatori care nu privesc niciodata in urma. Care iti iau tot ce ai mai pur de dat si te lasa doar cu cinismul idealistului deziluzionat si poate cu o durere de spate si de genunchi.

Speranta unei epifani care imi va dovedi ca totul are un sens, ca exista o logica chiar prefabricata de imaginatia unui copil in delir care il vede pe Dumnezeu chiar daca nu crede in El.

Vreau sa visez si sa zbor pe aripile vantului. Vreau sa ma intoxic cu nebunia vietii. Vreau sa fiu vrajita de puritatea luminii. Vreau sa-mi simt inima care mi se opreste in gat. Vreau sa gust catifeaua care mi se topeste in gura. Intr-un final, vreau sa ma intorc in timp si sa ma intoxic din nou cu arome de pe alte taramuri.

Iar daca planurile vor fi sa se destrame precum le cere natura lor capricioasa, atunci vreau sa ma pierd in infinit cu un zambet pe fata. Daca e sa dau fail, macar sa fie un epic fail!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Quote of the month

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.

Albert Einstein

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Greek comedy/tragedy

I knew that politicians were idiots who only tried to save their own asses, but the Greeks are redefining the concept of idiocy and bringing it to a whole new level.

So last week, the EU decided to cut half of Greece's debt and also to award it with the second half of its loan (in exchange for more austerity measures and more EU meddling in Greek business of course). All this in a desperate effort to avoid the entire Eurozone project from blowing up into their faces. And what does the Greek prime minister decide on Monday? That he is going to hold a referendum to see if the population agrees with these measures... From a democratic standpoint, cheers to him! From a political, economical, stability point of view, he's a freakin' moron! Referendums take time to be approved, to be organized and to be held, and then to be analyzed. The Greeks don't have time! And now the Germans might back out on the deal.

Soooo shall we say we are back to square one?

All that pain gone down the drain (and to begin with, the solution was a crappy one which only brought temporary relief, but a crappy solution is better than no solution). All because one idiot wanted to shift the blame from his back to someone else. What a f*****g moron!

Oh and this is entirely unrelated (well it's still about Grece), but I laughed very hard when I saw this:

America produced Steve Jobs.
Greece produced No Jobs.

I know, I know, it's very insensitive on both sides, but I couldn't help myself.