Saturday, October 15, 2011

Late anniversary

You know, I just realized that a week ago this blog had entered the third year since its inception!! Oh the horror! The HORRORRRR!!! I'm starting to forget my own anniversaries!! It is kind of sad, but I guess it comes with the overly busy schedule. Anyway, I'm sorry "Eyes through the glass"! This will not happen again I promise! (and now I'm starting to talk to a virtual creation of my own... I think that's how insanity starts to set in...).

Aaaaanyway, a few words on this (late) memorable occasion... This has been a crazy but incredible year and the next one promises to be even more so (if I have my way with it). I would like to thank my loving family for all their support. I would also like to thank my producer Bob who... no wait, wrong speech!!

I guess that what I'm trying to say is that this place is o cratima care te trage de limba si iti da aripi sa zbori deasupra oceanului involburat; un loc pentru a-mi purifica gandurile si a pune ordine in amalgamul confuz care ma inconjoara zi de zi chiar cu riscul de a transfera dezordinea aici. All the while risking Hegelian alienation, this blog stands as a separate entity traveling time and space with fractions of me embedded within. Nu stiu de ce, dar imi vine in minte un episod cand Cris vorbea de aberatii hahaha! Ma intreb de ce :P

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