Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Random rant/comment/musing

Korean wannabe Backstreet Boys, but the choreography is nicely timed with the song and the water part is just amazing! So overall, yeah I guess it's pretty cool (well obviously I think it's cool cause otherwise it wouldn't be here).

Aaaaaand, just because this is an amazing song (yeah I'm starting to repeat myself) and it kind of resonated through part of my day.

As a side note, I wonder if it looks suspicious if you wear a scarf all day long (at home as well as outside), everyday, for one to two weeks? Hmmm well I guess this theory will get to be tested in the following days. Here's to hoping people are innocent and without a sense of observation... (deep down I really don't care... what I got in exchange was waaaaaaay worth it)

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