Sunday, September 18, 2011

People never learn

You know you have crossed over to the dark side when your idea of a relaxing Sunday night consists of watching a documentary on the 2008 banking crisis.

Leaving that aside, Krach: les dessous de la crise économique mondiale is fairly fascinating as it explains how the crisis came to be. And when you later on read that people at UBS are worried that they won't get their bonuses and that their scandal will cause tighter regulations on the industry, well you're not as surprised that we ended up in this shithole. And let's just say that it'll be a miracle if we don't fall into another economic crisis.

On a lighter note, once it all passes, we can safely laugh about it!

Did you see it? Did you? Did you? Hint: it's the subscript under the Bank of Evil sign towards the end.

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