Wednesday, September 29, 2010


God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfought
It can't be outdone
It can't outmatched
It can't be outrun

God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfought
It can't be outdone
It can't outmatched
It can't be outrun

And when I close my eyes tonight
To symphonies of blinding light
(God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
Like memories in cold decay
Transmissions echoing away
Far from the world of you and I
Where oceans bleed into the sky

God save us everyone,
Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?
For the sins of our hand
The sins of our tongue
The sins of our father
The sins of our young

God save us everyone,
Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?
For the sins of our hand
The sins of our tongue
The sins of our father
The sins of our young

And when I close my eyes tonight
To symphonies of blinding light
(God save us everyone,
Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?
Like memories in cold decay
Transmissions echoing away
Far from the world of you and I
Where oceans bleed into the sky

Like memories in cold decay
Transmissions echoing away
Far from the world of you and I
Where oceans bleed into the sky

Lift me up
Let me go (x10)

God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfought
It can't be outdone
It can't outmatched
It can't be outrun

God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfought
It can't be outdone
It can't outmatched
It can't be outrun

Funny story. I heard this song on the radio about two months ago and I fell in love with it. But afterward, even thought I looked desperately for it, I couldn't find it cause I didn't know who sang it. And today, a friend tells me he bought the latest Linkin Park album and makes me listen to their new single. At first I didn't recongnize it, but while relistening to it at home i had a revelation! IT WAS LINKIN PARK!! God it doesn't sound like Linkin Park hahaha!

But what amazes me most of all is the fact that no matter how much this band changed over time, it still remains special to me. I don't know how to explain it, but there is a first for everything and, most importantly, there's a person with whom you experience it. Fist kiss, fist love, first friend, first book, first boyfriend, etc. And well, Linkin Park was my first when it comes to rock music (though after listening to this song you wouldn't believe it, but it's true....I guess you could *emphasis on the could* compare them with Metallica, in the sense that they softened up over time). And for that reason, they will always remain will all my firsts.

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