Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thought Journal

So I finally did it. After thinking about it for more than 6 months and telling myself I should do it eventually, I finally took a leap. I took time out of my day to think. Yes typical overanalysing behaviour that makes you think about taking time to think. But leaving that aside, I did it! And I think it will be a slow process. So far, my thoughts turned around a salad which became a philosophical discussion about indifference and taking time to adjust to people's differences. Whatever may be the case, I have noticed that belief plays a big role in making things happen (the age-old placebo effect) so maybe if I believe that eventually something good will come out of this, then it will be all worth it in the end. It could be my own personal therapy session. Only instead of having a shrink, it will be conducted by me, myself and I. Further updates to come!

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