Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My confessions

Ok so I have something to confess. About a month ago, I liked one of those "Spotted: (insert university name here) Library" on Facebook. Guilty pleasure I know, but it makes me laugh to see the kind of messages that people send each other under the cover of anonymity. That's the innocent part. The scarier part was this morning when for the first time ever I get an unknown text message on my phone (obviously spam) that was very similar to the ones on that page. Coincidence? I think not! Or maybe I'm just paranoid...

In any case, it does make you wonder just how much of your online activity is collected by Google and Facebook in their effort to "better target their advertising placements". Already I'm seeing almost only finance related adds on YouTube (after spending extensive time on Yahoo Finance, The Street and The Motly Fool these past months). Which makes sense considering that YouTube is owned by Google.

What's that there? Oh, just your private life going out the window....

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