Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Am nevoie sa ma ia cineva in brate. Mi-e dor de puiul meu!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I'm trying to find the words but they're not coming. I would like to be deep, profound, sensible, poetic. But I have nothing. The days have passed, the months have turned into years and I somehow feel that I should have gained more than a couple of "what if"s. 7 years ago, I started a new life on a new continent, leaving behind friends and family and everything I knew. And if it wouldn't have been for that particular day, I wouldn't be the same person today. I don't know if I changed for the good or for the worst, I don't know how I would have changed had I not moved. All I know is that I gained a lot, but I also lost a lot. And I sometimes feel stuck in between two planes, between two very different worlds and it's sometimes very hard to reconcile them. I sometimes wonder where that leaves me. Sometimes I'm happy, extremely happy where I am, and sometimes I yearn for that which is not part of my life anymore. Despite my best efforts, there are still days when I feel like I'm living in the past. Though, ironically, if I could choose between going back and staying here, I'd choose the life I have now. Because even though a part of my heart is overseas, an even bigger part is here. And I don't think I can give that up...

Quote of the month

The art of love is largely the art of persistence.

Albert Ellis

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010